- Social(S)
- Labor Practices
- Cultivation of Technical Staff and Securing of Human Resources
Cultivation of Technical Staff and Securing of Human Resources
Policies and Basic Approach
The Taisei Group, in its Human Resource Development Policy (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy), defines diversity management as the management that creates innovations and values by effectively using diverse human capital and providing opportunities to maximize their abilities.
To realize this vision, we actively recruit individuals with varied skills and ensure an environment where their full potential can be maximized. Furthermore, we have established a framework to bolster career development, skills enhancement, and skills transition, enabling diverse talents to thrive in accordance with their life stages, abilities, and ambitions. As we focus on nurturing the next generation of engineers, this approach is crucial.
In adherence to our Declaration of Partnership Building with business associates, our goal is to augment value and foster a mutualistic relationship throughout the entire supply chain. In collaboration with organizations like Soyukai and the Safety, Health, and Environment Cooperation Association, we are dedicated to both securing and nurturing skilled construction workers.
Risks and Opportunities
Should we fall short in our efforts to educate engineers and secure adequate staffing, there is an inherent risk that we may fail to establish an efficient production framework capable of delivering the high-quality, superior-performing construction outputs and related services catering to our client’s needs.
Conversely, steadfast dedication to the training of engineers and staffing ensures the acquisition of top-tier talent and esteemed business partners. Moreover, by championing the development of innovative construction techniques and technologies as a remedy for workforce shortages, we significantly bolster the Group’s productivity and competitive advantage.
Policies / Commitments
- Action Guidelines for Taisei: Promoting partnerships with subcontractors and suppliers, securing a pleasant working environment
- Human Resources Development Policy (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy)
- Declaration of Partnership Building
- As to KPIs, please refer to Materiality.
Worksite registration rate of Construction Career Up System (CCUS)
- In May 2021, in line with the new targets set by Nikkenren, we established the “CCUS Dissemination and Promotion Roadmap.” We have been progressing well towards our annual targets.
As of a survey conducted in March 2023, the rates stand at 95% for business operator registration, 88% for skilled worker registration, and 87% for accumulation of employment history.
Health management overtime / Worksite implementation rate of eight days off every four weeks
- In FY2022, the percentage of employees who took "regular leave and compensatory leave" for 104 days a year (equivalent to eight days off every four weeks) was 98.2% in the Civil Engineering Division and 95.6% in the Building Construction Division. Health management overtime hours were 720 hours/year, with 17.4% of personnel exceeding this amount. For closures of worksites, 49.5% of the Civil Engineering Division and 26.6% of the Building Construction Division were closed eight days every four weeks.
- All employees will continue to discuss, select, and implement specific actions to reduce working hours in accordance with the situation in their respective workplaces. We will also arrange the activities that have been effective in reducing workinghours to be spread horizontally across the entire company and established as ongoing activities.
Classified by registration rate type of Construction Career Up System(CCUS)
Unit | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | |
Business operator registration | % | 83 | 90 | 95 |
Skilled worker registration | % | 71 | 81 | 88 |
Accumulation of employment history | % | 67 | 79 | 87 |
- As to KPIs, please refer to Materiality.
- United Nations Global Compact “Labor”
- Overtime Work Reduction Guideline ([Nikkenren] Japan Federation of Construction Industry)
- Plan to Realize a Five-day Working Week ([Nikkenren] Japan Federation of Construction Industry)
Sustainability Governance and Oversight
Construction Career Up System (CCUS)
At Taisei Corporation, we are focusing on the dissemination and promotion of the Construction Career Up System (CCUS), which enables us to objectively and continuously accumulate and confirm the experience and skills of each and every construction engineer, which has been difficult to objectively grasp and visualize in the past, through cross-industrial, unified rules
Efforts to Address Long Working Hours / Response to Closures of Worksites on Weekends
Taisei Corporation formulated Roadmap to fiscal 2024 for “addressing long working hours” with annual targets of “health management overtime (total of statutory overtime working hours and holiday working hours),” “regular leave and compensatory leave,” and “closures of worksites.” We have made efforts under the leadership of internal consultation bodies including the Committee for the Reduction of Working Hours and the Working Hour Reduction Promotion Committee. In order to change employees' awareness and behavior, all employees are expected to discuss and carry out practical measures to reduce working hours according to the conditions of individual workplaces. Activities that positively contributed to addressing long working hours are shared across Group companies and continuously promoted to maintain momentum.
Activities / Efforts
Efforts to Address Long Working Hours
Respecting Fair Labor Cost Estimation
Taisei Corporation promotes the improvement of the working conditions of skilled construction workers by requesting partner companies to submit quotations and other documents that expressly state the appropriate labor cost (labor wage) that is in accordance with the purpose of improving the labor wages of skilled construction workers and by also respecting such documents, based on the Statement for Respecting Fair Labor Cost Estimation released by Japan Federation of Construction Contractors.
Securing and Developing Human Resources for Construction Workers
Establishment of Various Foremen Systems
At Taisei Corporation, an accreditation initiative has been launched to enhance the conditions for member construction technicians.
In the Civil Engineering Division, aiming to bolster facets like quality, safety, and technology, we have introduced a reward system to acknowledge exemplary civil engineers contributing to on-site projects at Taisei Corporation.
In the Building Construction Division, with the goal of elevating the construction management competencies of site supervisors, the “First-Class Foreman System” has been operational since 1995, and the “Special-Class Foreman System” since 2015, emphasizing skill transmission and personnel training.
System for reward to excellent civil engineering skilled workers, systems for first-class foremen and highest quality foremen in building construction
Category | Name of system | Amount of payment | Time for certification / Number of certified persons | Subject | Start of system |
Civil engineering | Excellent Civil Engineer Compensation System (BMT*) | ¥ 2,000 | 1,274 (annually) | Construction technicians meeting certain criteria, including certifications; Nationwide | January 2013 |
Building construction | First-Class Foreman System (with some revisions) | ¥ 2,000 | 833 (annually) | April 1995 | |
Building construction | Special-Class Foreman System | ¥ 4,000 | 100 (annually) | Septmber 2015 |
*As of March 2023
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