Contribution to Local Communities

Contribution to Local Communities

Policies and Basic Approach

In its Taisei Vision 2030, the Taisei Group outlines its medium- to long-term vision as "a pioneering corporate group contributing to the development of a resilient society where people can live affluent and cultural lives" and includes among its goals the achievement of a "Sustainability Transformation (Sx)" that will resolve sustainability issues through its core construction industry activities.
As a basic approach to deploying these activities, Taisei has included "Communication with the Local Community" in its Group Action Plan and works to establish a good relationship with local communities. Through our branches, sales offices, construction sites, technology centers and so on in Japan and other parts of the world, we strive to conduct activities that will make a social and cultural contribution while prioritizing the building of relationships of trust with regional and local communities.
In addition, we strive "to co-create of new value to realize affluent lives," one of the materiality and we provide support to researchers to contribute to the development of academic research and work to resolve issues facing society through technical development that will lead to the resolution of sustainability issues. Taisei places particular emphasis on the three areas of "promoting coexistence with local communities," "conducting environmental preservation efforts" and "teaching the next generation and supporting culture and the arts," in an effort to promote local communities and resolve sustainability issues.



Sustainability Governance and Oversight

Collaboration with Stakeholders and Our Major Initiatives

Taisei promotes two-way communication with local communities and conducts community investment and autonomous volunteer efforts to promote investment and development and create local jobs. In addition to establishing a leave of absence and vacation time mechanism to create a workplace environment that makes it easy for employees to engage in volunteer activities in local communities, Taisei has also introduced an awards program to recognize the activities of employees engaged in disaster recovery efforts.
Moreover, Taisei works to provide improved value for the regional community and promote local communities through cooperation and collaboration with various stakeholders that include customers, local governments, Care International Japan (an international assistance NGO), the Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (CBCC), the Japan NPO Center and other outside organizations and public and private entities. Through its membership in and support of various organizations, Taisei works to help resolve sustainability issues.
As a company that conducts business activities in various countries and regions throughout the world, Taisei endeavors to help to achieve regional sustainable development by hiring local workers in these regions and purchasing locally and so on.

Donations to activities that contribute to society and culture

At its branch offices, sales offices, construction sites and technical centers both at home and abroad, Taisei places particular emphasis on the three areas of "promoting coexistence with local communities," "conducting environmental preservation efforts" and "teaching the next generation and supporting culture and the arts," and actively works to conduct activities to support local communities.
In addition, since it joined the Keidanren 1% Club of the Japan Business Federation, Taisei has provided funding equivalent to approximately 1% of its current earnings to fund activities that contribute to local communities.
As a result of these activities, the amount of social contribution expenditures for FY2023 totaled 349 million yen (the ratio of social contribution expenditures to ordinary profit was 2.5%).

Activities / Efforts

[ Local Society ][ Academic/Cultural Factors ]

Achieving a Society Free From Poverty

In order to manage the risks of the spread of HIV among workers of large-scale construction sites which might trigger a decline in the labor force and productivity as well as a market contraction and instability, Taisei instituted the HIV/AIDS Prevention Program for the Can Tho Bridge Construction Project (Bridge to Health Project) in 2006 over a period of two years to prevent HIV infection. Since 2008, Taisei has continued to provide donation assistance as a corporate member to Care International Japan (hereafter "CARE"), which strives to achieve "a world of hope, inclusion, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security" from the standpoint of child labor, educational opportunities and educational disparities, and development assistance.
CARE Japan is a member of the NGO CARE International, which carries out humanitarian aid activities in over 100 countries worldwide with the goal of creating a world without poverty by providing emergency relief aid during disasters, supporting agricultural water enhancement projects, and helping empower women and girls. CARE International has offices in over 100 countries, and provides specialized, long-term, comprehensive support not only in education, but also in the areas of empowerment, health, water and sanitation, environment, and community development.

[ Local Society ][ Academic/Cultural Factors ]

Establishment of the “Taisei Corporation International Student Scholarship”

With backdrop for declining birthrate and population along with the aging of society in Japan, shortage of younger generations working in construction industry becomes a major problem and we established the Scholarship in March 2017 for self-supporting international students who enrolled universities in Japan to enhance human capital development of the next generation of construction engineers as bridges between Japan and abroad.
In FY2023, in the sixth group, we selected and provided scholarships to two students from Malaysia, two students from Indonesia, one student from Vietnam and one student from Thailand.

[ Local Society ][ Environmental Protection ]

Grants from the Taisei Corporation Public Trust of Funds for Natural and Historic Environments

To ensure the health and sustainable growth of the global community, it is necessary to conserve and restore natural environments as well as conserving and using historical buildings and other historical and cultural environments. The Taisei Corporation Public Trust of Funds for Natural and Historic Environment provides grants for projects that contribute to the conservation of natural environments, historical buildings and so on that are the shared assets of humanity both present and future, in order to pass these assets on to future generations and preserve the health and cultural life of humanity.

[ Environmental Protection ] [ Local Society ]

The Satoyama Woodland Preservation activities

Since 2007, Taisei Group has participated in the Tokyo Greenship Action Sustainability program conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, working together with local organizations, NPOs and so on to preserve the mixed forest satoyama and other natural environments in the Nanakuniyama Greenery Preservation Area in Machida, Tokyo.
Employees put in physical effort to participate in building a safe and secure community, which also helps to broaden communication with the local community.

[ Environmental Protection ]

Support for Dormouse & Wildlife Institute

[ Environmental Protection ]

Environmental Contributions through the “Taisei 1-TonClub”

[ Environmental Protection ]

Support for the Borneo "Ongaeshi" (Rewarding) Projectusing Vending Machines Equipped with a Donation Function

Taisei has installed vending machines that are equipped with a donation function at its head office and branch offices, in order to donate a portion of sales to the Borneo Conservation Trust Japan (BCTJ) NPO. This is in support of the Borneo "Ongaeshi" (Rewarding) Project whose goal is to protect the Borneo elephant, a species that has become endangered due to the reduction of tropical rain forests in Borneo. In the 13 years since the machines were installed in 2010, donations amounting to JPY 33 million have been collected (as of March 2023).

[ Academic/Cultural Factors ]

Special Lectures at Yokohama National University

The Taisei Advanced Center of Technology holds special lectures each year at Yokohama National University. These special lectures are held 13 times each year for students in their 3rd year or higher of study of the university's College of Urban Sciences.
Beginning in 2020, one year after the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement was signed, a new Cross Appointment Program was employed, and this has been confirmed to further strengthen cooperation and promote research. As a result of this program, Yokohama National University faculty members can also serve as Taisei technical advisors, and this is expected to accelerate joint research in this field.

Major achievements

Number of courses held 16 Times
Major course content Latest examples of national civil engineering projects and large-scale building construction, as well as disaster prevention activities and activities to resolve environmental issues, and introduction of the technologies that made these possible. In addition, examples of the contributions of construction projects to society and engineer ethics. In addition to lectures, site visits and visits to technical centers are also conducted.
Number of technical advisors : 13 people (number of instructors)
Number of students : 29 people (FY2023)
Cumulative number of students since 2019 : 155 people
(Prior to 2018, classes were held, but the number of students is unknown, so only the figures since FY 2019 are noted here.)

[ Academic/Cultural Factors ]

Grants Provided by the Taisei Foundation

We established The Taisei Foundation (general incorporated foundation) in March 2017. To support researchers who realize the Taisei Group Philosophy “To create a vibrant environment for all members of society,” we provide funds for academic research in fields including construction, civil engineering, development, energy, the environment, and disaster prevention.
Each year a public invitation is issued for research projects that are eligible to receive grants.

[ Academic/Cultural Factors ]

Operation of “Galerie Taisei” to Spread Construction Culture

[ Academic/Cultural Factors ]

Participation in “Riko-challe” to Encourage Women to Enter STEM Fields

Since 2015, Taisei has supported the "Riko Challenge" (“Riko-Challe”), a program to encourage more women to enter the fields of science and technology (riko in Japanese). The program is designed for female elementary, junior high and high school students and is jointly sponsored by the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, the Education Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Keidanren (Japan Business Federation). As part of this effort, Taisei participated in the “Summer Riko-Challe: Riko Work Experience” event.
