Sustainability of the Taisei Group

Sustainability Management Framework

The Taisei Group operates under the Group Philosophy of “to create a vibrant environment for all members of society,” as well as three tenets of the “Taisei Spirit”: “Active and Transparent Culture,” “Value Creation,” and “Evolution of Tradition” in pursuit of the Group Philosophy. The Taisei Group’s Fundamental Sustainability Policy is to realize “sustainability transformation (SX)” by addressing sustainability challenges through businesses centered on the construction industry. The goal is to contribute to the development of a resilient society where people can live affluent and cultured lives.
Through our business activities, by producing quality social capital and addressing the challenges faced by our clients and society, we aim to foster a cycle of increasing both corporate and social value. Our aspiration is to achieve sustainable growth alongside society.

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Sustainability Management Promotion System

The Sustainability Committee has been set up as a committee within the Board to bolster sustainability management throughout the Group. This committee deliberates on significant policies and specific measures concerning sustainability challenges, enhancing the effectiveness of our initiatives.
Moreover, under the umbrella of the Management Committee, we have instituted various committees, such as the Sustainability Promotion Committee and the Personnel Committee, to discuss crucial matters related to sustainability, ensuring discussions are both timely and comprehensive.
To centralize responses to sustainability challenges, in April 2022, the Group founded the Sustainability Division (Integrated). Additionally, the chief of this division was appointed as the Company’s Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO), amplifying our efforts to tackle these challenges.


Sustainability Management Promotion System Chart

Sustainability Management Promotion System Chart

Achievements of the Sustainability Committee in Fiscal 2023

The Sustainability Committee, Committee within the Board, was held three times – in August, December and February – in FY2023~(meetings in writing were included). The major deliberation items were as follows.

  • Establishement of the CO2 emissions reduction targets for 2026 and 2030
  • Prioritization of responses to the risk of Environmental Due Diligence
  • Registration of the TNFD Recommendations as an Early Adopter
  • Implementation reports on the Human Rights Due Diligence
  • Confirmation of the operation status of the Action Guidelines for Taisei Personnel and the Taisei Group as a Whole and the Corporate Ethics Helpline System

Committee members

(As of June 20, 2024)

Chairperson External Member of the Board
Members Three (3) Internal Members of the Board
One (1) External Member of the Board
Observers External Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Chief of Sustainability Division (Integrated),
Chief of Sustainability Management Promotion Division
Secretariat Sustainability Management Promotion Division, Sustainability Planning Department
Committees within the Board

The following Committees within the Board have been established and convened as necessary, as prior consultation bodies in order to invigorate and substantiate the deliberations by the Board.

Committees within the Board

(As of June 20, 2024)

Name Terms of reference Name of authorized member
Governance System Review Committee To strengthen and expand the governance functions of our company and the Group as a whole Chairperson Atsuko NISHIMURA*1
Vice- chairperson Masahiko OKADA
Hiroko KOIDE*1  
Takashi HAYASHI Masamitsu MIURA*2
Executive Personnel Committee To ensure independence, objectivity and transparency in the appointment of Members of the Board and Executive Officers, etc. Chairperson Norio OTSUKA*1
Shigeyoshi TANAKA Yoshiro AIKAWA
Masahiko OKADA Atsuko NISHIMURA*1
Fumiya KOKUBU*1 Tsutomu KAMIJO*1
Hiroko KOIDE*1  
Yasuhiro SATO*2  
Remuneration Committee To ensure transparency in order to ensure independence, objectivity and transparency of executive compensation Chairperson Norio OTSUKA*1
Shigeyoshi TANAKA Yoshiro AIKAWA
Masahiko OKADA Atsuko NISHIMURA*1
Fumiya KOKUBU*1 Tsutomu KAMIJO*1
Hiroko KOIDE*1  
Yasuhiro SATO*2  
Sustainability Committee To strengthen and promote sustainability management of our company and the entire Group Chairperson Fumiya KOKUBU*1
Yuichiro YOSHINO Tsutomu KAMIJO*1
Toshifumi YASUDA
  • *1External Member of the Board
  • *2External Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Various Committees

For significant matters such as sustainability, corporate ethics, and technology strategies, specific committees develop policies and strategies and drive their respective initiatives. Below is an outline of the various committees associated with sustainability.

Overview of the Sustainability-Related Committees

Category Terms of reference Committee chairperson Meeting Frequency (FY2023)
〈Committee within the Board〉
Sustainability Committee Strengthens and advances sustainability management within the Company and its entire Group. External Member of Board 3 / year*
〈Management Committee〉 Preliminary deliberation of items for the Board and decision-making on tasks delegated by the Board. Chairperson: President 1 / week
〈Special Committees〉
Compliance Committee Upon receiving updates about compliance promotion, highlights issues in the compliance system, and suggests measures to fortify the system, including preventive actions against potential violations of laws and regulations External Expert (Lawyer) 3 / year
〈Business Committees〉
Technical Committee Encourages innovative technical development, establishes and contemplate various measures, and monitors their execution. President 8 / year
Central Safety Committee Discusses and advances matters concerning the Company’s safety management, prevention of environmental accidents, and guidance about safety, health, and environmental management for specialized contractors. Chief of Safety Administration Division 5 / year
Sustainability Promotion Committee Discusses important environmental and social issues, shares information on sustainability management initiatives, and makes recommendations to the Management Committee President 3 / year
Risk Management Committee Selection and deliberation of significant risks throughout the Company, and verification of the status of risk management for both company-wide critical risks and those risks that should be overseen as a headquarters. Chief of Business Administration Division (CRO) 1 / year
Central Labor Affairs Committee Deliberates on the Company’s basic policies and advances various initiatives on labor issues, concerning professional contractors. President 1 / year
Digital Transformation (DX) Promotion Committee Establishes, contemplates and monitors the progress of DX advancement measures. Chief of Corporate Planning Office (CDO) 9 / year
Personnel Committee Discusses various personnel strategies and follows up and monitors their execution. Executive Vice President 17 / year
  • *Meetings of the Sustainability Committee held in writing were included.

Key Stakeholders

Key Stakeholders

Participation in Initiatives

Participation in Initiatives
